New! ☃️ Higher Order Log Cabin
☃️ Event!
- The first in-person Verifereum unconference!
- We will hack on + talk about Verifereum,
HOL, Vyper, and CakeML
- We will be staying in a beautiful venue in the Swedish
countryside for the long weekend of February 7–10
- As it’s the first event, accommodation and food will be covered by
us (!), and you arrange your own travel ✈️
- There will be food and socialising 🔥
- All people are welcome, including folks who are just interested in
the space and want to learn more 📚
- Places are limited! Please fill out this form to
confirm attendance
- Mathematical verification of Ethereum applications
- Proven functional correctness of smart contracts
- Auditing is not exhaustive; theorems rule out all exploits
(of a certain class)
- There is a lot of value custodied by Ethereum applications: the
stakes are high for implementation bugs
- The Ethereum specification is simple, unambiguous, and easy to
reason about: it is a perfect fit for formal verification
Get involved
Verifereum is a free software project with no legal or formal
barriers to collaboration at any level of experience or commitment, as
long as all results remain accessible to everyone
Technical approach
Roadmap and status
Status: Under
heavy development and seeking collaborators!
We are most of the way through the EVM base sequence
EVM base
- Mostly Done: Formal specification of the EVM in HOL4
- TODO: specify the precompiles (ecRecover, etc.)
- Mostly Done: Make the EVM model executable (fast) in logic
- WIP: Pass the EVM test
- TODO: Make the definitions more tidy and readable
Decompilation track
- TODO: Build a program logic (Hoare or Separation logic) for EVM
bytecode programs
- TODO: Verify some simple example contracts
- TODO: Build decompilation-into-logic automation
Verification track
- Started: Formal
specification of Vyper semantics in HOL4
- TODO: Define a copy of the compiler frontend in logic
- TODO: … (steps to be filled in) …
Other tracks (bug bounties, consulting, etc.) can also be defined
Roles needed
- Technical contributors (i.e. interested to commit code to git
- work on formal specifications/definitions
- theorem proving - writing and maintaining proofs in HOL4
- proof automation / building infrastructure for theorem proving
- technical documentation and tutorials
- issue curation, triaging, etc.
- creating examples of verified applications
- Non-technical contributors (i.e. not working directly/primarily with
- grant-writing and fundraising
- recruiting/networking
- community-building and maintenance
- editing and styling documentation and other comms
- project management - roadmap, milestones, priorities, checkins,
- legal + accounting + bizdev + investor relations, for any for-profit
work built on top